Nolm Spa

From all the annoying factors that make people cold from life
to get rid of you at once

We are waiting for you to the magical world of Nolm Spa.

With its spa, pool, Turkish bath and massage parlor
A magnificent world that will add energy to your life: Nolm Spa!
That’s not all. Fitness Center, Hair Salon, Vitamin Bar and
Many enjoyable activities are waiting for you here.

Our Services


اللياقه البدنيه

يمكنك مشاهدة Lig TV على شاشتك أثناء ممارسة الرياضة. تنتظرك تجربة فريدة بفضل معدات Life Fitness الحديثة المزودة بشاشات LED. ستخرج دائمًا أقوى من هذه البيئة التي تضيف الطاقة إلى تمارينك في كل التفاصيل.



You can watch Lig TV on your screen while doing sports. A unique experience awaits you thanks to the state-of-the-art Life Fitness equipment with LED screens. You will always emerge stronger from this environment that adds energy to your exercises in every detail.



Spor yaparken ekranınızdan Lig TV izleyebilirsiniz Led ekranlı son teknoloji ürünü Life Fitness aletleri sayesinde benzersiz bir deneyim sizleri bekliyor. Her ayrıntısıyla egzersizlerinize enerji katan bu ortamdan daima güçlenerek çıkacaksınız.



بالنسبة لأولئك الذين يرغبون في الانتعاش ، فإن الأنظف هو المجيء إلى Nolm Spa. Nolm ، التي توفر بيئة تتجاوز معنى كلمة النظافة بفهمها الدقيق والدقيق ، تقدم أيضًا الخدمة الأكثر حزمًا في مجالها بنظافتها.



For those who want to refresh, the cleanest is to come to Nolm Spa. Nolm, which provides an environment beyond the word meaning of hygiene with its meticulous and meticulous understanding, also offers the most assertive service in its field with its cleanliness.



Ferahlamak isteyenler için en temizi, Nolm Spa’ya gelmek. Titiz ve özenli anlayışıyla hijyenin kelime anlamının da ötesinde bir ortam sağlayan Nolm, temizliğiyle de alanında en iddialı hizmeti sunuyor.


حمام السباحة

الغوص في عالم جديد! حمام سباحة رائع يدفئ أشهر الشتاء وينعش شهور الصيف. ستشعر بمتعة مميزة في كل ضربة.



Dive into a new world! A magnificent pool that will warm your winter months and refresh your summer months. You will feel its privileged pleasure in every stroke.